Football Skills – How to Improve Your First Touch

Many players in the world are struggling to keep the ball with their first touch. It is either poor technique or a lack of awareness or when defenders are. Watch the best players in the world because they have spent many hours perfecting their techniques on how to control the ball properly. Here are some techniques and exercises that will help you improve both your first touch and ball control.

How to control the ball?


Upon receiving the ball, it is best to keep the ball moving in space or away from a defender, rather than getting the ball to a complete stop. Upon receiving the ball in live football, it is important to contact just above the middle of the ball to keep the ball along the floor. It is important to cushion the ball, bringing the ball under your control. The good players can still set the ball quickly and away from defenders and space. This gives them extra time to keep in front of the opposition. To be able to move the ball into space and away from defenders, it is important that you are aware of what you do with the ball before you get a complete stop.


Trapping is different from the receipt; trapping is to get the ball to a complete stop. Trapping is typically used when the ball moves too fast for you to control it effectively. When trapping the ball, it is important to stay relaxed and on your toes. It is contrary to be tense and rigid which allows you to adjust quickly. When trapping, beads padding plays an important role. When you need padding to take the pace of the ball, this is done by removing the stand at the time of impact.

How to practice control?

The easiest and most effective way to practice control is with a partner. You and your partner can practice different types of control by passing the ball to each other or throw the ball to another. If you cannot get a partner, the next best thing is a wall. A wall gives you the chance to practice the skills you want, as long as you want. With a wall you can practice simple passage and receiving bursts and control chest. It is important when practicing ball control, you practice with both feet. Being able to control the ball with both feet makes you unpredictable for defenders.

Control instep:

When the ball with the inside of the foot, the support leg should be slightly bent and must be planted from 45 to 90 ° with respect to the trajectory of the ball. During contact, cushion the ball along the original path, moving the ball either in space or away from a defender.

Control outside of the foot:

This technique is useful when you have the pressure defender on you from behind. First, you must get your body between the ball and the defender just standing on the side with your arm slightly raised, to be able to push or hold off a defender. The support leg should be slightly bent at an angle of approximately 90 ° from where the ball is to come. At the time of contact with the ball is amortized outside of the foot giving the defender no chance to get the ball fairly.

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